Wednesday, August 30, 2017


You can order your football pictures online at

Click on 'pre order now' and enter the picture Id: JC337787X0

Friday, August 18, 2017

TNHS vs Frankfort High School (8/18/17) Field Location

The address for tonight's game is not the same as the address for Frankfort High School. The address to the field we will be playing on tonight is:

Bellepoint Baptist Church, 622 Kentucky Ave, Frankfort, KY 40601

I have been instructed that we will need to drive through the church's parking lot to reach the field.

Thank you

Friday, April 28, 2017

Green Dot Flag Football Tournament

Shoutout to Eli Brady, Zach Hurst, Tyler Wimpsett, Jacob Fleming, and John Mattingly for representing the TNHS Football Team in the Green Dot Tournament and receiving 2nd place! 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Perfect Attendance

Congratulations to the following GENERALS for having perfect attendance:
Jack Hubbell
William Greenwell
Jacob Fleming
John Mattingly
Dalton Newton
Tyler Wimpsett
Kolton Cissell
Neil Solgot
Floyd Nielsen
Great job guys, and keep up the good work!